Posted @withregram • @kmehul16 I have Never taken the Fz25 on long rides because I never felt confident in doing high speeds on it. But with the Rev It stage of the Apollo it was time to take it on the highway to do some good speeds.And I found out that these tyres make the bike super stable at high speeds and there are no jerks or vibrations whatsoever, this made me feel much safer and confident. Also, the tyres are H rated and it is super safe to do those speeds on this bike. More testing to come your way very soon! @apollotyresltd Stay tuned!  #TestTheAlphaChallenge #apolloalpha #apolloalphaS1 #thebikercrew #yamaha #fz25 #motorcycle #bikes #ride #welltravelled #nomad #worldplaces #bucketlist #india #motorsport #motorcyclelife #photooftheday #motorcyclesofinstagram #letsgoeverywhere #moto #traveladdict #panningshot #bikegram #bikestagram #riderich #tyrechange
Posted @withregram • @kmehul16 Was going through my Instagram feed and came across a very interesting challenge by @apollotyresltd. Without a second thought, headed to the store to buy the Alpha S1 tyres for my Fz25. Now I am all set to take up the Apollo and see how it goes! Watch this space for more deets. #TestTheAlphaChallenge #thebikercrew #yamaha #fz25 #oilchange #motorcycle #bikes #ride #welltravelled #nomad #worldplaces #bucketlist #india #motorsport #motorcyclelife #photooftheday #motorcyclesofinstagram #letsgoeverywhere #moto #traveladdict #panningshot #bikegram #bikestagram #riderich #tyrechange