Give a rest to your trips and let your cars take a stay-cation in the parking lots! To stay put is the only way you can drive ahead. #ParkToPrevent #MaintainTheDistance #FightAgainstCOVID19 #StayHomeStaySafe #Apollo #ApolloTyres #StaySafe #StayIndoors #StayHome #StayStrong #StayHealthy #StayAtHome #SafteyFirst #FightCovid19 #BeSafe
not just while the lockdown lasts. Let’s be mindful to only step out when necessary and #ParkToPrevent #MaintainTheDistance #FightAgainstCovid19 #StayHomeStaySafe #Apollo #ApolloTyres #StaySafe #SafetyFirst #StayHome #StayAtHome #StayStrong #StayHealthy #SocialDistancing #StayIndoors
The best drivers know when to pull over. The lockdown will be over soon, but the pandemic is yet to come to an end. Do your part and travel only when it’s necessary. #ParkToPrevent #MaintainTheDistance #FightCovid19 #StaySafe #Apollo #ApolloTyres #StayHomeStaySafe #StayStrong #StayIndoors #Parked #ParkYourCar #ParkedCar #KeepSafe #StayAtHome