@powerdrift• • • • • •MeghalayaApollo's are people who love being outside in the rain! Well, great minds think alike it seems! Because that is exactly what we think too here at @powerdrift! In fact, see our stories for a link to a session with @shu_mar that talks extensively about raiding, ahem, in the rain. This session was right after Shumi and Abhik finished chasing the rains in in episode 04 of presented by @apollotyresltd #Repost #RainRaiders #live #Meghalaya #TheBucketList #rainrides #apollotyres #ktmduke250 #bajajdominar400 #dominar #dominar400 #bajajdominar #ktm #ktmduke #duke250 #ktm250 #pdarmy #powerdrift
Reposted from @powerdriftAnd the countdown has begun! We are just a few minutes away from the premiere of the final episode of The Bucket List, where @shu_mar and @eye_capter are riding motorcycles shod with Apollo Alpha H1s to the wettest place on earth. But this time around, there's a twist in the tale, as Abhik ends up taking a wrong turn and finally fulfilling his childhood dream. Catch the premiere link in stories or in the bio!.@apollotyresltd - #ThrillUpYourBeast #ApolloTyres #TheBucketList #KTM #250Duke #Duke #Bajaj #Dominar #BajajDominar #NorthEast #Meghalaya #PDArmy #PowerDrift #regrann