Posted @withregram • @man_made_machines With almost every second road feeling like an off road the Duke is capable of some decent off road performance and with the Apollo H1 tyres it just gets better. Not just the off road bit but the way people take sudden turns without looking is the worst, but thanks to the H1 tyres they neither skid or let you feel the stress.The hard and soft compound are such a beautiful blend for a beautiful riding experience. Apollo @apollotyresltd.. #TestTheAlphaChallenge #apollotyresh1 #apolloalpha #ktm #duke390 #ktmduke390 #motorcycle #ride #bangalore #instagramreels #reels
Posted @withregram • @man_made_machines After having a brilliant time on the bike, it was time for the 3rd stage of Apollo rev it.Everyone loves the initial launch where we hit high rpms and get those tingling feelings inside, it's all good until the tyres start skidding, that becomes a bummer. Happily, the Alpha H1 loves the higher rpms as I do, it keeps the Motorcycle as stable as it can get. Now, can't wait to try out these amazing tyres in stages yet to come. Watch this space for more! @apollotyresltd #TestTheAlphaChallenge #apolloalpha #apolloalphah1 #ktm #duke390 #motorcycle #instagramreels #reels #ktmduke390 #tyres #apollo #ride #slowmotion