We all long for the piping hot tea and miss those impromptu window shopping plans with our friends! But the wait will be over soon, till then left to experience the nostalgia and don’t forget to whenever you step out.... #StayHomeStaySafe #MaintainTheDistance #Apollo #ApolloTyres #Drive #DriveSafe #SafteyFirst #SafeAtHome #Drives #Driving #Nostalgia #Trip #RoadTrip #VirtualVacation
As you sit down next to the bonfire, you reminisce about the past. Feel the warmth seep slowly to your soul from the cup of coffee in your hands. Listen to the fire crackle as the wood slowly gives way to ash. as you listen to the bonfire telling you a story!... #EscapeWithApollo #ApolloTyres #Tyres #Automobiles #Explore #Experiences #Travel #Journeys #Warmth #Bonfire #Silence #Calm #Peaceful #Trips #StayHome #StaySafe #FightAgainstCOVID
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Craving for an impromptu road trip? Think no more and head out with new bad road buddies – Apollo Apterra AT2, to g… https://t.co/wxM5SB9lPB