Posted @withregram • @born.creator A tyre is the only thing that connects the rider to the road, and it is extremely important that it is built well. I accepted @apollotyresltd and now it's time toRIDE IT, REV IT, RUB IT, TURN IT, SCREECH IT, MOVE IT, PUSH IT, FLAUNT IT...You can also take on the by heading to your nearest Apollo Tyre Stores. #TestTheAlphaChallenge #TestTheAplhaChallenge #ApolloTyres #ApolloAlphaTyres #TyresAndBikes #ThrillUpYourBeast #ApolloAlpha #BikeRides #Tyre #borncreator
Posted @withregram • @dishuvlogs Hi everyone! As you guys know I accepted @apollotyresltd is the time to RIDE IT, REV IT, RUB IT, TURN IT, SCREECH IT, MOVE IT, PUSH IT, FLAUNT ITYou can also take on the by heading to your nearest Apollo Tyre Stores. #TestTheAlphaChallenge #TestTheAplhaChallenge #ApolloTyres #ApolloAlphaTyres #TyresAndBikes #ThrillUpYourBeast #ApolloAlpha #BikeRides #Tyre #ktmduke #ktm #duke #ktmrc #ktmindia #ktmfamily #r #ktmofficial #rc #readytorace #ktmracing #bike #bikelife #biker #ktmkerala #ktmlove #yamaha #ktmindiaofficial