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to channelize and embrace the devotion within. Each chant will reverberate from you to light the divine lamp of devotion within your soul.... #MaintainTheDistance #Apollo #ApolloTyres #StayStrong #SafteyFirst #StaySafe #SafeAtHome #StayHomeSaveLives #StayHealthy #Safety #StayIndoors #Connect #StayConnected #ConnectWithin #StayHomeStaySafe
Your joy will be doubled when you reunite with your gang to play the game. Practice your game solo to make every goal more joyous to score later, as you now.... #MaintainTheDistance #Apollo #ApolloTyres #SocialDistancing #StayStrong #StaySafeStayHome #SafetyFirst #SafeAtHome #StayHome #StaySafe #StayHomeSaveLives #StayHealthy
Travelling to the great mountains may be your calling, but stay grounded for now as they too lie in wait for the pandemic to be over. Step out only when necessary, for the outdoors can wait. to and #MaintainTheDistance #StaySafe #StayHealthy #Apollo #ApolloTyres #Traveller #StayStrong #SafteyFirst #SafeAtHome #StayIndoors #StaySafeStayHealthy #StaySafeStayHome #Safety #SocialDistancing
Stuck alone during the and feeling homesick? Take time out to spend some time with your parents. to come closer to them even when you have to #lockdown #DriveTheConversation #MaintainTheDistance #Apollo #ApolloTyres #Drive #StayStrong #StayHealthy #DriveSafe #StayAtHome #Family #Homesick #StayHomeStaySafe #StaySafe #SafetyFirst #SafeAtHome
Give a rest to your trips and let your cars take a stay-cation in the parking lots! To stay put is the only way you can drive ahead. #ParkToPrevent #MaintainTheDistance #FightAgainstCOVID19 #StayHomeStaySafe #Apollo #ApolloTyres #StaySafe #StayIndoors #StayHome #StayStrong #StayHealthy #StayAtHome #SafteyFirst #FightCovid19 #BeSafe
not just while the lockdown lasts. Let’s be mindful to only step out when necessary and #ParkToPrevent #MaintainTheDistance #FightAgainstCovid19 #StayHomeStaySafe #Apollo #ApolloTyres #StaySafe #SafetyFirst #StayHome #StayAtHome #StayStrong #StayHealthy #SocialDistancing #StayIndoors