12 hours down, and 1 set of Apollo Tyre are still going strong with resilience, with no visible signs of wear and tear. Isn't that a #Apol10 performance? #VolkswagenXApolloTyres24hrsChallenge #DrivenByApolloTyres https://t.co/ILZK7UQzHY #Apol10 #VolkswagenXApolloTyres24hrsChallenge #DrivenByApolloTyres
The #VolkswagenXApolloTyres24hrsChallenge has begun and we're ready to take the challenge head on! Stay tuned as we bring you live updates from the event taking place at Natrax, Indore. @evoIndia @volkswagenindia #DrivenByApolloTyres https://t.co/w5NpsAAxfw #VolkswagenXApolloTyres24hrsChallenge #DrivenByApolloTyres
Volkswagen 24hrs Endurance Challenge Driven By Apollo Tyres starts now. Join in and be a part of an extraordinary driving experience like never before. @evoIndia @volkswagenindia #VolkswagenXApolloTyres24hrsChallenge #DrivenByApolloTyres https://t.co/VgkUzEFFBz #VolkswagenXApolloTyres24hrsChallenge #DrivenByApolloTyres
Here’s a sneak peek into an adrenaline-packed event coming your way. The #24HourEnduranceDrive by Apollo Tyres in partnership with Volkswagen starts today. Are you ready? @evoIndia @volkswagenindia #ApolloTyres #VolkswagenXApolloTyres24hrsChallenge #DrivenByApolloTyres https://t.co/6mYGCLimJl #24HourEnduranceDrive #ApolloTyres #VolkswagenXApolloTyres24hrsChallenge #DrivenByApolloTyres