Posted @withregram • @wroom_with_kiran_sachin When you try your hands on new set of its doesn’t matter if you are an experienced rider or an amateur one. The tyres should treat you equally and make you feel confident in every slightest lean and in every turn you take. We are happy to know that tyres are not only for experienced bikers but it also gives good confidence to new bikers in biking community.The tread stays firm and flat down, with its whole working area of tread pattern biting into the surface of the road, hence the leans are super safe on these tyres .Apollo AlphaH1 successfully passes the “Turn it†Challenge and Now we are excited to take it to some muddy, gravels and offroading session..Apollo @apollotyresltd #Apollotyres #ApolloAlphaH1 #TestTheAlphaChallenge #ApolloAlpha #wroom #kiransachin #newshoesfor #ktmduke390 #Turnit #burnthetyres #spinit