We all long for the piping hot tea and miss those impromptu window shopping plans with our friends! But the wait will be over soon, till then left to experience the nostalgia and don’t forget to whenever you step out.... #StayHomeStaySafe #MaintainTheDistance #Apollo #ApolloTyres #Drive #DriveSafe #SafteyFirst #SafeAtHome #Drives #Driving #Nostalgia #Trip #RoadTrip #VirtualVacation
Watch closely as the tea bubbles, and you can hear it being poured. The aroma will hit you and take you back to a roadside bench. A smile comes on your face when you reach out for your cup. to savour all the flavours of your favourite chai from ‘Tapri Wala’.... #EscapeWithApollo #Apollo #ApolloTyres #Chai #ChaiLove #ChaiLover #Experience #ChaiTapri #Tapri #TeaStall #Tea #TeaLover #Nostalgia #TeaTime #TeaLove #ChaiTea #HotTea #RoadsideTea #TeaStand