This #WorldAIDSDay, Apollo Tyres reiterates its commitment to ensure the #truckers have access to quality #healthcare services to fight HIV-AIDS Let’s #GoTheDistance to #StopHIVTogether https://t.co/gNOqbajbrQ #WorldAIDSDay #truckers #healthcare #GoTheDistance #StopHIVTogether
This #WorldTBDay, Apollo Tyres reiterates its commitment to preventing and eliminating #tuberculosis to support its key stakeholders – #Trucking community. let’s #GoTheDistance in ending the global #TBepidemic.  Our Partners- @TbDivision @MoHFW_INDIA @USAID @TheUnion_TBLH https://t.co/8JTX5vdfmH #WorldTBDay #tuberculosis #Trucking #GoTheDistance #TBepidemic
#ApolloTyresFoundation reiterates its commitment to addressing essential #diabetes care and prevention for #trucking community through 32 healthcare centres in India. #WorldDiabetesDay Let’s #GoTheDistance and #beatdiabetes #AccessToDiabetesCare @MoHFW_INDIA https://t.co/vGsV1fwlsb #ApolloTyresFoundation #diabetes #trucking #WorldDiabetesDay #GoTheDistance #beatdiabetes #AccessToDiabetesCare
Celebrating the success of selling 1 Crore Endurace LD tyres with an exciting giveaway! Win 10gm silver coins when you purchase 4 Endurace LD Tyres! Register by sending <LD> via Whatsapp on 70090 75504 or call the helpline number on 1725 216 015 or visit the website www.1croreld.com. #ApolloTyres #Celebrating #GoTheDistance #EnduraceLD #Truck #TyresSold #ApolloTyres #Celebrating #GoTheDistance #EnduraceLD #Truck #TyresSold
Our #VisionFirst camps #GoTheDistance ... Managed to reach out to nearly 18,000 Trucking Community beneficiaries at… https://t.co/qJM0wNSXLe #VisionFirst #GoTheDistance