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We all love the monsoon chai, and how we look forward to driving to our favourite tea stall to catch up during the monsoon.But this year pack your tea with you to enjoy a spin on your monsoon tea time on long drives! #RainRaider #StaySafe #Apollo #ApolloTyres #RainSafety #DriveSafe #DrivingInTheRain #RainReadyTyres #Rains #Monsoon #RainLover #MonsoonSeason #Raining #Drives #RainDrops #Tea #TeaLove #Monsoons
From the thundering clouds to the first raindrop hitting the ground, the accelerating adrenaline pushes you outdoor to re-live and rejuvenate in the splashing monsoon adventures. But this time be mindful when you step out, as the rains call for you to be a responsible #RainRaider #Apollo #ApolloTyres #Rain #Rains #RainyDays #MonsoonDrive #Monsoons #MonsoonSeason #RainDrops #Raining #Monsoon #RainSafety #RainDrop #RainyDay #RainReady
The post rain scenery may call for you to step on the pedal, but ensure to not hit the breaks and make stops on the way!Like every responsible keep your car stocked with essentials as you go out to enjoy monsoon.... #RainRaider #Apollo #ApolloTyres #Tyres #RainReady #MonsoonSeason #Monsoon #Rains #RainyDays #RainDrops #Raining #Rain #Monsoons #MonsoonDrive #DrivingInTheRain #DriveSafe #SafteyFirst #RainSafety
Why only watch the rain pouring down from your home windows when you can get a change of scenery soon? #StayTuned #Apollo #ApolloTyres #Monsoon #Rain #RainDrops #Raining #MonsoonSeason #RainDrop #Rains #Monsoons