The sun rises over the horizon and every Mandi comes to life. Here’s a story of one such Mandi- where a driver brings happiness to eager faces as he and Apollo Tyres #GoTheDistance. Let’s celebrate #HarLoadKaSaathi, without whom no morning would seem to start at the Mandis of India. . . #ApolloTyres #10Perfromance #Apol10 #ApolloVihaan #PickupTruck #Trending #GoTheDistance #HarLoadKaSaathi #ApolloTyres #10Perfromance #Apol10 #ApolloVihaan #PickupTruck #Trending
Congratulations @ManilGupta on winning the #24HrApolloAlphaChallenge. You got every answer correct! You will get your gift very soon. Stay tuned to your DM for more. #Winners #Congratulations #Contest #ApolloTyres #GoTheDistance #Apol10 #10Perfromance #24HrApolloAlphaChallenge #Winners #Congratulations #Contest #ApolloTyres #GoTheDistance #Apol10 #10Perfromance
Congratulations @Satyajitsahu25, @malathesh_kalled, sleepy_1803 on winning the You answered all the questions correctly. Your gift will be sent to you soon. Stay tuned to your DM for more. ... #24HrApolloAlphaChallenge #Winners #Congratulations #Contest #ApolloTyres #GoTheDistance #Apol10 #10Perfromance