The true value of a good tyre can only be understood by those whose life and livelihood depend on it. Through #TalesOfTyres we bring you real-life stories of people whose lives have been positively impacted by their trust on #ApolloTyres. Stay tuned for more! #GoTheDistance #StayTuned #ComingSoon #TalesOfTyres #ApolloTyres #GoTheDistance #StayTuned #ComingSoon
Long drives on wet roads are magical, and yet they could turn into a menace if you are not prepared. This monsoon, make sure you have your safety checklist ticked off before any adventure. This rainy season, let us help you #KnowRainNoPain. #ComingSoon #ApolloTyres #GoTheDistance #Teaser #Monsoon #KnowRainNoPain #ComingSoon #ApolloTyres #GoTheDistance #Teaser #Monsoon