Our #VisionFirst camps #GoTheDistance ... Managed to reach out to nearly 18,000 Trucking Community beneficiaries at… https://t.co/qJM0wNSXLe #VisionFirst #GoTheDistance
Take drives to exceptional places that are undiscovered with Apollo Apterra AT2. You’d be amazed as you… https://t.co/74hoju6YhY
Even where the roads don’t exist on maps, Apollo ApterraAT2 takes you to amazing places! Get the ultimate wheels to… https://t.co/MoxnpCnOk6
Mr. Rajesh Dahiya, GH-SMS, Apollo Tyres, presented the Construction World Awards 2019 - A glorious event that celeb… https://t.co/NUlTsRZM62
A river that holds the deepest secrets of the earth, endless secrets flowing through constantly just like the river… https://t.co/QK3HldyGnL
Beat the challenge of bad roads with Apollo ApterraAT2. Get to experience the underlying beauty of good places as y… https://t.co/et8v2nPqr5
Experience the mystical phenomenon of hot snow, alongside mangroves and an ocean! Drive to good places that are und… https://t.co/tn1D2I7v6p
Don’t let your tyres suffer. It’s time to check up on the damage for prevention and a timely fix. Discover the best… https://t.co/GRz4Dwtssj
Craving for an impromptu road trip? Think no more and head out with new bad road buddies – Apollo Apterra AT2, to g… https://t.co/wxM5SB9lPB