Posted @withregram • @the_green_bonneville I recently came across Apollo on Instagram and @_kaustubh_joshi 's needed new tyres. Spoke to an @apollotyresltd Zone dealer, checked out the tyres, the whole buying experience was super smooth and safe! look and sound promising! Got them installed. Now let's see if they fulfill the promise! #TestTheAlphaChallenge #KTM390 #covid19 #ktm #ktmriders #ktmduke390 #womenwhoride
Posted @withregram • @wroom_with_kiran_sachin We posted a story asking about which tyres will be the best for KTM duke 390 and most of you suggested us to go for @apollotyresltd Alpha tyres. .We got the tyres from the Apollo dealer and they were quite helpful with the service. The installation has been done and we are excited to rev and test the tyres on some insane terrians...Stay tuned for Apollo Wait and Watch this space for more exciting rides.. @ktm_india #TestTheAlphaChallenge #wroom #kiransachin #newshoesfor #ktmduke390 #burnthetyres #Apollotyres #alphah1 #rearandfront
@powerdrift• • • • • •MeghalayaApollo's are people who love being outside in the rain! Well, great minds think alike it seems! Because that is exactly what we think too here at @powerdrift! In fact, see our stories for a link to a session with @shu_mar that talks extensively about raiding, ahem, in the rain. This session was right after Shumi and Abhik finished chasing the rains in in episode 04 of presented by @apollotyresltd #Repost #RainRaiders #live #Meghalaya #TheBucketList #rainrides #apollotyres #ktmduke250 #bajajdominar400 #dominar #dominar400 #bajajdominar #ktm #ktmduke #duke250 #ktm250 #pdarmy #powerdrift