Posted @withregram • @wroom_with_kiran_sachin After testing this tyre through various stages – Apollo ends. We are shocked and completely in awe the way these tyres performed in different terrains and the way it performed at high speed, in corners, in muddy, slushy, water crossing etc. The Alpha has surpassed all expectations. We have been extremely rough with it, almost cruel to it but it did not let us down at any point of test stages. Now we challenge you guys take Apollo and tell us what you guys think about tyres.Apollo @apollotyresltd #Testthealphachallenge #ApolloAlphaH1 #TestTheAlphaChallenge #ApolloAlpha #wroom #kiransachin #newshoesfor #ktmduke390 #thefinalverdict #bikersduo #indianbikercouple #wroomwithkiransachin #wroomiton